Friday, November 14, 2008


I used to love to take surveys and email them out to all my friends. I won't torture you all with my emails, but I thought it would be fun to take them a couple again and see how things have changed.

When was the last time you went to the bathroom outside?
In June, Andrew and I got a flat tire on the way home from Detroit taking my mom to the airport. We were waiting for the AAA tow-truck and I had had a Route 44 Dr. Pepper and so I took a hike on the side of the highway.
What time is it?
Family member you most resemble?
People always mistook me and my cousin Krista for twins when we were young.
Do you own your own Bible?
1 or 2 or 5.
What type of deodorant do you wear?
Dove's cucumber and green tea.
Do you clean up nice?
I don't know.
When was the last time you tripped and fell?
The other night I locked myself out and the car wouldn't start and I didn't have a phone, so I took a walk downtown to call my MIL to come pick me up, and on my way back home, I bit the dust.
Where was the last place you slept besides your home?
At my old home.
What are you listening to right now?
Cosby Show
Have you ever started a fire?
Yeah, I was babysitting and I dropped a Bagel Bite onto the bottom burner of the stove and it went up in flames.
Ever run out of gas on the road?
Would you rather cut the grass or rake the leaves?
Rake leaves.
Your middle name spelled backwards?
What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
Ovusoft software
Last time you swam in a pool?
I don't remember
Have you ever been in a school play?
How many kids do you want?
Type of music you dislike most?
Are you registered to vote?
You have cable?
Ever prank call anybody?
Oh yes, especially with my cousins at Thanksgiving when I was young
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
I've always wanted to go sky diving
Do you have a garden?
No... I have a red thumb (or whatever the opposite of green is).
What's your favorite comic?
Family Circus or Cathy
Bath or Shower?
Bath, but I only take showers lately
Best movie you've seen in the past two weeks?
I'm not sure I've seen any movies in the past 2 weeks
Best pizza topping?
Italian sausage
Peanuts or popcorn?
Have you ever smoked?
not enough to say that I smoked, but I've tried it
Orange Juice or apple juice?
Every once in a while I crave orange juice, but apple is good too.
Chocolate Bar?
yes, please
When was the last time you voted at the polls?
November 4
When was the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
not sure
Are you a good kisser?
I've been told I am :-)
Ever order anything from an infomercial?
some scrapbooking stuff
Sprite or 7-Up:
Sprite, 7Up is too sweet
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work/school?
Ever thrown up in public?
oh yes
Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?
Well, since I've already found love, I'll take the million.
Believe in love at first sight?
I'm not sure
Who was the last person you visited in a hospital?
Does a patient count? Lol!
What do you think about most?
Everything! I think too much.
Favorite form of travel?
driving... make that "riding."
If you could have one magical power what would it be?
I would be able to read people's thoughts.
Is your hair long enough to chew on?
I've never really considered that, but I guess if I got that hungry, I could. Lol!
Least favorite color?
Some nasty green color.
Ever had Dippin' Dots?
Yes, I love Dippin Dots.
Ever played an instrument?
piano, recorder, violin, guitar
Ever been to a palm reader?
Last Pez dispenser you purchased?
Hehe, I had forgotten about Pez... umm... I was probably 6 or so.
Did you have a good weekend?
I think I did.
Current yearning: a baby and some new furniture, not necessarily in that order

How is today going for you?
Pretty well. It's just barely started.
Any plans for tonight?
I'm scheduled to work, but I'll probably get called off again because census has been so low.
Ever photograph something that was dead?
Certainly no dead people or animals, but maybe some dead plants or trees or something.
Are you ready for Halloween?
That's a little far away, don't you think?

A - Age: 22
B - Birthday: July 9
C - Car: 2002 Toyota Corolla
D - Day or night? night
E - Easiest person to talk to? Andrew
F - Favorite month: any month where it is not cold
G - Gummy bears or worms? gummy worms
H - Height: 5'4"
I - Instrument: violin
J - Job: float nurse
K - Kindergarten: Umm... yes, I went to kindergarten... what's the question here?
L - Longest crush: maybe 5-6 years
M - Movie last watched? Indiana Jones something
N - Number of siblings: no biologicals, but 5 siblings-in-law
O - One regret: Hmm... not sure at the moment...
P - Pet peeves: People who make really fast movements a lot and talk a ton.
Q - Question for the next person: no idea
R - Reason to smile: Because I can =)
S - Song last heard: Cosby Show theme song
T - Time: 5:32am
U - Underwear: yes...?
V - Virgin: I'm married and I'll let you figure it out...
W - Weather: cold!
X - X-ray: I had an x-ray on my foot when I was probably 15
Y - Year you were born: 1986
Z - Zodiac sign: cancer