Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Newest Member of Our Family

Meet Penny, the newest member of the Wideman family. We got her on Wednesday from animal control. She was found as a stray at the beginning of April, and was probably abused or at least neglected before that. She was very people-shy when we first got her but has really warmed up to us over the past few days! (Of course Andrew's cat isn't too thrilled about the whole thing.)

We spent two nights in Lubbock after the wedding and then five days in New York City (I'll post pictures sometime in the near future). We got back to Michigan last Saturday and have spent this week getting settled into the house. We had a reception last night at the Owosso Country Club that went really well. (I'll put pictures up of that too sometime!)

Tonight is Andrew's first night back to work since the wedding, so I'm over at his parents' house bumming internet usage off of them. (Hopefully we will be getting internet and a home phone sometime this week.) I also want to post some pictures of the house later (but I want to get some of the presents up around the house and off the coffee table before I take the pictures).

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