Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ceremony Pictures

Here are some of the pictures of the wedding ceremony.

People are starting to arrive...

The families were seated to beautiful piano and violin duet of "Fairest Lord Jesus." This is Andrew's dad seating his grandmother.

Andrew's dad seating his stepmom and little brother.

Andrew's dad seating his mom.

My grandfather seating my grandmother.

My dad seating my mom.

Then the congregation sang "In Christ Alone." The processional was to "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring." Here comes my handsome groom with his groomsmen:

My new little sister Abigail!

Hannah-Joy (lots of years of inside jokes here):

Beautiful Danae...

My new big sister Hannah...

Flower girl Libby and ring bearer Connor:

Here comes the bride! I came down the aisle to Rachmaninoff's "Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini."

At the altar:

There was a prayer, then Jim said his opening words, and Abigail read our wedding passage, Ephesians 5:22-33. Then Jim did the homily and we said our vows:

Then exchanged rings:

Lighting the unity candle:

Then we sung "Before the Throne of God Above" as a congregation, and kissed a little bit =)

Mr. & Mrs. Wideman!

The recessional was "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty." Here are Thomas and Cara exiting. (I forgot my bouquet, so Cara is carrying both hers and mine!)

The reception hall:

This is a table that had the wedding favors on it (little tins that said "LOVE" on them filled with chocolate!) The poster board was made by Danae, Cara, and I the night before the wedding, and had pictures of Andrew growing up on the left, me growing up on the right, and pictures of us together in the middle.

Groom's cake:

Bride's cake:

For the first time in public...

Cutting the cake.

Harder than it looks:

The rings:

The toasts:

Going to change clothes before leaving.

Headed out the door with everybody blowing bubbles at us:

That's all folks =) You can see all 341 pictures here!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wedding Pictures & News

First of all for the news... earlier this week, we got internet at home, and also a home phone! Email me for our number - I'm looking forward to being in contact with people a little more. (My cell phone gets terrible reception in our house.)

Also, we got our wedding pictures back from the photographer about a week ago, so I thought I'd share a few of them. They haven't been cleaned up or anything yet, but here are a few of the posed ones! I'll post the ones from the ceremony tomorrow.

Here is the beautiful window above the stage in the chapel.

This is how the front of the church was decorated.

Andrew with his groomsmen: his friend Donald, cousin Phillip, brother-in-law Collin, and brother Thomas, and our ring bearer, Connor (Andrew's nephew):

My grandmother had a picture taken like this right before her wedding, and so did my mom:

Me =)

With my dear friend, former roommate, and maid of honor Cara.

With my bridesmaids: Andrew's little sister Abigail (junior bridesmaid), long-time friend and neighbor Hannah-Joy, almost-sister Cara, Andrew's older sister Hannah, and life-long friend Danae.

With my flower girl, Libby. (I've babysat her since before her first birthay!)

My handsome husband in his last few minutes as a bachelor!

Connor had gotten cowboy boots and a cowboy hat for his birthday and was really looking forward to wearing them in Texas! (He also wanted to ride a horse to Texas, but for some reason Collin and Hannah didn't think that was a good idea.)

I love him so much!!!

It's official! Andrew signing the marriage certificate on the pastor's back.

And one last random one... these were the girls' bouquets - I loved them! Abbie's was just like it except made out of sweetheart roses so it would be smaller.